Bart Gilleland

Bart Gilleland

Bart Gilleland Photo curtesy of

by Christy Vanderburg

Bart Gilleland, the new chorus teacher, lives by his grandfather’s motto: “learn all that is learnable and love all that is lovable.”

Gilleland said he has a can do attitude and wants to build a culture of excellence in everything he does. Support and backing are very important in this process.

“Everybody has the ability to be excellent in everything they do,” said Gilleland.

Gilleland has always taught choir. In previous years, he taught at several different universities and colleges, including Ohio State University, Muskingum College and Otterbein in Ohio and Piedmont College in Georgia.

“The biggest transition from college to high school, people would think it is the age, but there really isn’t that big of an age gap,” said Gilleland. “For me it is remembering what high school was like so I can better relate to [students].”

Gilleland travelled throughout South America, playing in opera, acting, and singing roles, where he was usually cast as a very angry character.

He, however, is not an angry person, and in his spare time he takes care of his two daughters, Evan and Mary Greer.


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