Exam Schedule and Study Tips

by Meredith Hooper

It’s that time of year again! No, not Christmas, but exams. While the groans of sorrow and distress may overwhelm you, it is important to stay motivated to do well in your classes and push through!

The BHS exam schedule was announced recently and is as follows.


The policy for being exempted from an exam or exams is that you must have 5 or less absences and at least a B in the class. This is only for select classes, and it is always recommended you ask your teacher! Being present for exam reviews is also very important because it is the last chance your teachers have to give you information vital to your success!

Are you stressing for exams? Feel like you don’t have good study skills? Look down below for some helpful tips!

  • Give yourself enough time to study. Don’t wait until the last minute when you will already be stressed about taking the test. While some students can thrive on last minute cram, it is not the best way to approach a large exam. Schedule times to study, so when you do, you aren’t scrambling to find time to do so.
  • Organize your study space. Make sure your space is clean. It is easy to be easily overwhelmed when there are mountains of papers and clothes near you. Try to get rid of all distractions and make yourself as comfortable as possible. For some people background noise helps while others prefer silence. Think about what works for you and take time to get it right!
  • Practice with old tests and class materials. One of the most effective ways to study for a test is by retaking an older version of that exam or using old tests from class to relearn the material. Using study sheets provided by your teachers can also be beneficial. This helps you get the format of the questions and can be good practice for the amount of time you can spend on each question.
  • Organize study groups with friends. You may have questions that they have answers to and vice versa. This is a good way to use your resources. You can also get with people who have previously taken this exam and ask them what material you can expect. Make sure you stay on topic though.
  • Snack on ‘brain food’. Keep your body and brain working by choosing nutritious foods that have been proven to aid memory and concentration such as fish, nuts, yogurt and blueberries.
  • Plan your exam day. Make sure you get everything ready in advance of the day of your exam. Go ahead and pick out what you are going to wear, how you will do your hair, and how you will get to school. Make sure to make time also to eat breakfast on the morning of- you don’t want to be distracted by an empty stomach.
  • Drink plenty of water. Being well hydrated is essential for your brain to work its best!
  • Don’t stress out! I repeat, do not stress out. Being anxious about taking exams is more likely to harm you than it is to help you. Take three deep breaths and relax, you’re going to do great!!



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