Where The Rubber Meets The Road

by Hannah Dickson and Nyx Siniard

Alan Justice, the Driver’s Ed instructor, said, “It doesn’t take much to get hurt or end your life in a car.” However, taking driver’s ed will significantly decrease that risk.

Alan Justice is one of the instructors for Driver's Ed.

Alan Justice is one of the instructors for Driver’s Ed.

Justice believes it is very important for student drivers to have the 6 hours behind the wheel with an instructor. He said it is the most important part of driver’s ed. He thinks it helps parents to be more comfortable, too, because they are not just getting in a car with a kid who has never driven.  

Driver’s ed does not just consist of 6 hours of driving. Students also have to take 30 hours in a classroom.  The classroom portion is mostly focused on learning the rules of the road. Instructors also try to emphasize how dangerous driving is. Most teen deaths consist of teen driving, and not just drunk driving.

Though driving makes some people nervous, it does not have to be scary. There can be some positive things too.

“I’m excited to be able to drive myself to school and to friend’s houses,” said freshman Madeline Dierauf.

Junior Noah Housman enjoys a drive.

Junior Noah Housman enjoys a drive.

The dates for driver’s ed at BHS are October 24-November 4, from 3:30-6:30 p.m. Classes cost $40, payable in cash. An online version of the course is available for students who cannot attend the class after school. If students missed the sign-up date or have any questions about the afternoon or online courses, they can call Alan Justice at (828) 884-6173.


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