Cadaver Lab Field Trip

By: Jeremy Dodson

Last Wednesday, our Anatomy classes and Pharmacy Tech class traveled to Appalachian State University to visit the cadaver lab that they have. For a lot of students who aren’t going into the medical field, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. While they were there one of the professors, who was a former physician, went over the anatomy of the body using the dissected cadaver as a model. We interviewed several students about this incredible opportunity.

Marlene Pulido, a senior who has aspirations of entering the medical field, said “It was really helpful especially for someone who wants to go into the medical field.” Clearly, this experience provided a depth of learning that is unattainable in the classroom. It was a valuable experience for all the students who went.

Hannah Mathis summed up the trip by saying, “It was really cool to see how everything works and to see it in person.” That is exactly what this trip was all about, providing new experiences and new information.

Our students are always looking for new opportunities to expand their base of knowledge and the cadaver lab field trip is a great example of that.


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